Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dominican Republic

I have been waiting on announcing the news until it was certain, but it looks like I will be spending some time over the holidays in the Dominican Republic! My plan was to go to Uganda for Christmas, but that wasn't possible. So it looks like I will be there for the majority of next summer! I knew that after I visited the Domincan last March, I would be back. I was able to volunteer with a great organization called Dove missions, and I absolutely fell in love with the children they work with. They work in a few different communities, or "barrios" that are very poor. Most of the houses are tin shacks with no running water. Sewage is a big problem when it rains.

I'm really hoping to find two shoe shining boys I met on my last trip, William & Jimmy. They are not taking part in the programs available to them with Dove, but it would be amazing to see them. I spoke no spanish on my last trip(and can now only say a few things!) So William acted as my translator. He is origionally from Haiti so he speaks creole, and somehow with my broken creole we managed to get by!

I am SO excited to meet my Dominican sponsor children for the first time! I sponsor 6 of them with Dove, and in the family there are 17 children in total! All being raised by their grandmother, Lola. I'm trying to collect some stuff to give them, like sheets, clothing, hygiene supplies, and food(peanut butter!) A new store opened up in Puerto Plata called "La Sirena" which is like Walmart. It was under construction while I was there but now it's open and apparently a big hit. I'll probably do some shopping there for the family. I will also get to meet my sposnor child with CI, Nelanda! I wrote her letter yesterday and i'm going to send it out today. I'm not sure where in the DR she lives, so it may not be possible to visit her on this trip, but i'm crossing my fingers that it can happen! I bought the cutest pair of jeans at winners that I have for her. I just need to get her a cute matching top!

I have also been in contact with a Canadian woman who rents out apartments in a community called Munoz. The majority of the community is Haitian, and they have a few church run classes for the children. They ahve a lot of needs, especially teaching the children english, french, and ofcourse spanish which will open up more doors of oppurtunity. I'm hoping to do some english teaching in the mornings and learn more about this community.


Nikki said...

Does this mean you booked your flights??! I am really happy you are coming :)

Quick question... I bought some stuff for Rebecca and Kate- underwear, flash cards, art supplies. I also have a ton of books if you want them for uganda. What should I do with them?? I could mail them myself, but not sure if they would get to the girls. I could bring them to the DR and give them to you then, to deliver to them in the summer, or I could mail them to you to bring them in the summer. Or, jsut give the gifts to kids in the DR and buy something else for R. and K. later. What do you think??? Not sure what the best option would be!

Shelby said...

wow that is great!!! How much is it to sponsor through Dove?

Nikki said...

I can answer this! it is $30/month... the money goes directly to food for the family. We give the family this in form of a food voucher that they can use at their local grocery store.

Kate said...

Not booked yet, but i'm hoping to book them this week! I've been looking at the two places you mentioned in terms of where to stay. My friend and myself fell in love with the one is Sosua!

You can give me the things in the DR for your girls, this will save on postage ofcourse. Or if you want to donate them to the kids in the DR and then get the girls something closer to when I go that would be fine too(and ofcourse you don't have to get them anything)I would be going in June or July so that does give you a good amount of time to decide for them, so no rushing!

Nikki said...

Great! The one in Sosua is really good... I liked it a lot. The staff is awesome. Its nice and small, and close enough to everything that you can get around easily.

Okay, I will probably bring the stuff for the girls in Dec. to give to you... or if I don't have room I will just get something later!