Christian Upliftment is still in need of more sponsors! We have a bunch of groups in need but I would like to get this group and one other, completely sponsored before posting new children.

From this group Annet(tallest girls on left), Elvis(waving), Joseph(4th on top row left), next to Joseph is Pricilla and then Monica. They all desperetly need sponsors. It's $35/YEAR ,and makes a tremendouse difference in a child's life. The school needs to move forward and this is the only way it can do so! Please check out for more information!!
Three of the girls I want to get back in school- Christine, Doreen and Jackline, are still not in school. The mother is keeping them in the quarry, more hands more pay. Hellen also found out that she in an alcoholic. We wanted to set her up with an income generating project but now we are questioning if she is fit to do it. This is the hardest thing in the world. There are SO many woman who are eager to get set up with a project and get out of the quarry. These woman also send their kids to school everyday(one of the conditions) Although we havn't done this many times before, we have a few woman who have been set up with income generating projects and their doing great. Kids are in school, and they use their money to buy food, rent, and all the things the family needs. We are scared that this particular woman will blow all her money on alcohol...I just can't stop thinking of these three girls. There are soo many children in need, but the minute I have a connection with just one, is the minute I can't look away. There's a song I really connect to and one of the lines is "now that I have seen, I am responsible."
I have also received the biographies of the kids in Apac. "Adopt a Child, Build a Classroom" is the campaign I started earlier this month. You can 'adopt' a child for a one time donation of $50. You will receive a group picture of your child as well as their biography. For every 60 children adopted, a classroom will be built!
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