60 children adopted= one classroom built
1,200 children adopted= one school built
The Adopt a Child, Build a Classroom campaign is now up and 'officialy' running! So far, three children have been adopted- that means 57 left and a classroom will be built and furnished!
For a one time donation of $50 you can adopt a child who is registered to attend The Apac School. The only way they can attend, is if the school is built! By adopting a child you are not only giving a brighter future to that specific child, but literally hundreds of poverty stricken kids in the district of Apac, Northern Uganda. Many of the children are orphans or live in abusive households. The school will be a safe haven for 400 of them where they will board at the school's dormitory. All of this is only possible with your help!!

On a side note- Christian Upliftment Primary School- http://www.cuschool.webs.com/ is in deseprate need of more sponsors! This program is different from the Adopt a Child campaign in Apac, as it is running sponsorship program. You can communicate to your sponsor child by letters and choose to sponsor them year after year. I can personally vouch(I sponsor about 15) and the bond that I have formed with these kids is like no other! It is $35/YEAR to sponsor one child or $35/Month for a group of 12 kids. We recently had one of our biggest sponsors(they sponsored almost half of the children) pull out from the program for family reasons. The school receives no government support and is run solely from donations. They students have already felt the new circumstance and because a lack of sponsors, there is less money to buy food. Currently they are only receiving breakfeast OR lunch and the portion has diminused. This is generally their only meal of the day so you can imagine how bad the situation is.
Transformations are happening! This is Akwero Nancy who is sponsored by Terri in BC. Looking all pretty and proud in the uniform she received from the sponsorship money!

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