Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fresh Air Fund

Two summers ago, my summer camp closed down due to lack of funds. I went there since I was nine yeas old, all the way up to when it closed, like so many other kids. It was run by an association which supports the homeless in Montreal. Many kids went to camp for free or paid a small fee according to their household incomes. But once at camp none of this mattered. Food was plentiful and you wouldn't be able to count all your new made frienships.

The Fresh Air Fund is an awsome organization(which i'm going to tell you about), and I just love the whole idea of it. The organization registeres underprivileged inner city kids from New York City, and matches them with a host family. Host families live in a bunch of northern US states as well as southern Ontario. For many of the kids, it's their first time doing things like swimming and running around in the grass. They really do live in a concrete jungle, so being able to play outdoors is a true gift. If your intrested in becoming a host please have a look at their website,

The organization also runs summer camps, and is currently looking for counselors for this coming summer. I know just how great summer camps are and the experience is life changing- for campers and coucelors. If you love children, spending time outdoors, and taking part of all sorts of fun filled activities think about becoming a coucelor.

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