2009 has been an exciting year. I made my first visit to the Dominican Republic and Uganda, completely fell in love with both. I learned so much more about poverty and charity work, the great to the ugly. I've been able to seperate those two and form strong opinions. I really defined what I want to do, as I was all over the place at one time. Learned I didn't want to be a nurse in Uganda, as I could barely stand taking off a bandaid from a boy who cut his legs. I was a mess, "are you okay. Okay close your eyes. Okay let's breath together. Gimme a sec." I think I made him 100% more nervouse. I would be one slow nurse holding up the hospital and on all sorts of anxiety pills! I taught some basic lessons to some of the kids in Uganda, and got so much pleasure out of that.
In Dubai, on my way to Uganda with best friend Kayla! I learned I am not fond of Dubai's airport or New York. Much prefer smaller ones. It was like worlds apart.. In Dubai we couldn't find out way around and no one would help us. When we landed in Uganda we miscommunicated and had no one to pick us up. First lady we asked, gave us her cell phone to use and refused money for it. I really think Ugandans are the kindest people on the planet. Another highlight is how they use the word sorry. One example- I had some dirt on my leg and was in the car with our driver and Hellen. They continued to appologize and made it into a HUGE DEAL. Stopped the car, pulled over and cleaned my leg with bottled water. Then at Didi's world, I had a tiny cut from scratching a mosquito bite. We were on the boat ride, and when the girls saw my little cut the "sorry's" poured out. I kept explaining it wasn't them that cut me and I am the stupid one for itching it until it bleeds but they explained how it was there fault because it was a Ugandan mosquito!

Top: Me with baby Jamima in Uganda, Bottom: Me with a little girl in Dominican Republic. Babies like my face:)

I realise that there were highlights, but an entire side of rather boring too that I won't go through.

I've been babysitting twin boys since they were two months old, and they are now over a year. I have found a new found "love" for babies. I always thought they were cute but rather not really needing much more than food, sleep, diaper changing, etc. (Dumb I know. I don't really know how I thought babies learned things like walking, but it just happened?) Wow I was proven wrong. I've watched their first crawls, first steps, and now they are running all over the place. They respond to love and it never gets old. My heart really breaks thinking about the babies in orphanages all over the world who get little attention and stimulation. Milestones don't happen, they have to be encouraged and taught.
Staying with the topics of babies, my best friend's sister had her first baby, a boy named Dylan. I really got hit that, wow times flies. It seemed like just yesterday I was at their house playing with a Ouijji board and she conviced me she was not moving the little triangle piece. Meanwhile, my other friend ran out crying. Anyways, isn't he a cutie??
I realise that there were highlights, but an entire side of rather boring too that I won't go through.
A HUGE highlight is being able to buy land for an orphanage in Uganda. In October it went for sale, we didn't think we could get it. Now we are mising $235. Pretty incredible! I am hoping that we will be able to buy the land in less than 2 days, before the new year! We need $535 to purchase it, $300 of which I will be donating and $235 left to raise. That $13 from only 18 people, or $18 from only 13 people!! Please help us start 2010 in an amazing way, being able to tell many orphan children that they are one huge step closer to having a home. Please make a donation on the website at www.christianupliftmentschool.com/donate
Finally, I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and may it bring you only all the good things life has to offer!!
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