Friday, September 19, 2008

Going Green

Global warming seems to be a hot topic right now. Is it true, exagerated, or meant to be, I don't think it all really matters. The thing that does is that polluting does affect us in one way or another. Contaminated water and air makes for very sick people. Fact. Also why throw things out when you can recycle or personally re-use them?

To be honest im not too green. I try and do my part but I think I can try harder. In my everyday life, I take public transportation 90% of the time, turn off all the lights when im done using them, I don't buy bottled water, and I don't eat meat everyday. Some ideas i've compiled up from the internet include;

Bring a bag when shooping. My friend has 4 large fabric bags he keeps in his car. Everytime he goes grocery shooping he wips them out. He never has to use a single plastic bag.

Do you have any ideas to make my life greener? Let me know! I'm going to try and update weekly on the changes i'm making.

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