Last night I went to the Youth Unlimited (Jeunesse Sans Limite) banquet at the Terra Nova church. We ate and listened to people speak about the programs and those who have been in the programs. I never knew how many projects they have going. I volunteer with "La Corde" located in Cloverdale. Here they serve breakfest, run an after school tutoring and life skills program, and do fun activities with the kids. Youth Unlimited bought the Terra Nova church and run a bunch of programs from there such as a girls discussion group, after school activies, counceling, etc. They also work globally in Belize, Venezuela, Panama and Haiti. I also found out one of the volunteer I work with (she actually works part time at Lacorde and is a Youth Worker) has visited Uganda twice. So we talked about that for half the night lol.. that leads me to
Uganda News

Waiting in line for lunch. A little cup of porrige, the only meal of the day.
Uganda News
Today I sent money to build a well at the Christian Upliftment school. The school used to be in a diffrent area where they had clean water but they recently moved the school to a new site where no clean water is available.
Here are some past pictures from CU. . . .
Denis&Robert, orphaned HIV+ brothers.

My sponsored kids and penpals goofing off :)

Which is no longer available because of the land shift (no money)
That is awesome that you sent the money for the well. That last photo of them all lining up for food is so sweet and heartbreaking.
Thxs 4 the link..thats rly nice of u I hope u can put more ics once is done!
Never heard of it! But I loooove Angelina Jolie- I will have to rent it!
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